*note* My Mom is one of the greatest people I know! I love her and I take her advise and run with it! This was just ANOTHER something GREAT that she had posted on our family blog and I thought I would share it with you...what an amazing spirit she has!
Three indicatores that will keep you spiritually and temporally blessed;
(1) Pay a FULL TITH. it is ones most obvious indicatore to ones love and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I testify that my spiritual well being has been protected through the opportunities of being able to always pay a full tithing. I also attribute my tempral comfort and comforts to this great commandment. it removes fear. It is the rock of our salvation now and into the eternities. D&C 64:23 ; for he that is tithed shall not be burned at his comming. He is comming.
(2) Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. A topical guide search will clear things up if you are interested in the Lords way of keeping this great and loving commandment. Taking the Sacrament each week, Uplifting, Teaching and Learning from one another will make this day a day of comfort and joy. You will be able to ALWAYS remember your SAVIOR. It has truly become a day of refreshment for me. I hunger for it's power in my life.
(3) Eat Right. Eat fresh fruit and vegtables daily. That will keep the doctore bills down and your spirit in tune. Cut back on negative foods. That will teach you temperance in all areas in your life and preserve a clearer channel with the spirit of revelation. In my patriarchal blessing it says that the two greatest medicins for heavenly success that exists are; pay a full tith and keep the word of wisdom in it's smallest detail. I totaly beleive this.
I love All of you and desire the best for each of you. Do these three things and all the rest will follow. ps. read your scriptues daily.
3 years ago
So glad you found me. I found you on Sarh's blog and added you onto mine a while ago. I love all the comments that peope leave. Hope you had a wondeful Christmas. Love your page.
What a sweet Mother you have. I feel spiritually fed for the day.
What great advice. You must have an amazing mom. Amazingly talented too!! I checked out her sculptures the other day. Beautiful!!!
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