Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hair Grows Back!

We shaved Roxy the other day ...I was trying very hard to keep her from moving and Tysen was trying very hard to get her to play....This was our first problem!
Anyways, we shave her because she sheds way too much to be in the house. Also, it is hot in the summer and I think she likes her cool coat.
This is the first time I attempted to shave Roxy (second problem) sister usually does it for me when she shaves her dog. I thought I could do it myself this time.
This is Roxy's good side. I think I did a decent job (on this side)
This is her bad side! Ok,so when I started I went waaaaay too short (the BIG problem). Most people, once they went that short, would make the whole thing that short. But, I figure that it will grow back fast and then I will go over it again and even it out then. Because I did not want my dog to look HAIRLESS! Plus, when I was shaving it that short it seemed like I would shave off her skin it was so close. It just creeped me our dog has started a new trend for now and we will be touching it up once it grows back a little.
Sorry Roxy!

Anyone else need a haircut?


Todd + Emily said...

hahahahah oh my goodness Crystal!!! HAHAHA! hey at least your dog definetely won't be shedding for a while! HAHAH! I cannot stop laughing!

Alison Hall said...

ROFLOL!!! That is the best!!! And, uhm, we just had haircuts at our house... uhm, maybe next time???

Annie said...

Too funny! She's a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Holy Bologna! It's OK Roxy, I won't let that mean lady shave you ever again. I told you Crystal use the #2! Maybe if I shave all the hair off Jake it will make her feel better. LOL LOL

P.S. Can I have my clippers back? No, seriously I don't think you should have them anymore!

Veronica and Johnnie said...

LOL CRYSTAL! You have too much fun at your house!

Rachelle Crowder said...

LOL!!! So funny!

He looks great! Nice 'n cool for the summer!
what is your phone #, and email address. I don't have them! email me


Kristin said...

I need to shave Canyon - can you use regular clippers? Nevermind, Clint would have a fit if I used his.