"How is Tysen Doing?"
Tysen had his 18 month check up and he is HEALTHY! It is always great to hear that your child is nice and healthy. No ear infections, no cold, no croup, and no head problems!
He also shot up on his chart for this check up. Tysen has always been a little low on the growth chart but the doctor was so happy with the sudden peak! He is a lot bigger than when she checked him last :-)
Tysen weighs 27 1/2 pounds (BIG BOY) = 75% for weight
He is 32 inches tall = 50% for height
and his head circumference looks great as well.
"What has Tysen been up to?"
Tysen has a favorite
blanky. It is actually the one he received from the nurses at the hospital when he was born. And he LOVES
melmo (
elmo). As you can see he is glued to the T.V. here. What is with kids wanting to stand 3 inches from the television set?

One of
Tysen's sneaky past times. He loves to sneak into the office to push on the keyboard. Not so good when Mommy's work is still up on the screen!

Favorite toy, by far! Love this toy! Got it in good shape at a garage sale. It has so many gadgets to play with.

New, fun, tantrum throwing! This boy has a temper. He likes to throw himself on the floor now and just wail away!

Brushing teeth is so much fin!

Apparently, so is getting in the shower fully dressed. He just couldn't wait. When he saw that Mommy wasn't to happy about it- he decided to help out by washing his body with his shirt and diaper on, which did make Mommy laugh. Thanks Ty!

Messes are his specialty these days. I clean up one toy trail and instantly there is another right behind me..... How the???
The only time everything is picked up is when he is napping and then mysteriously the messes appear soon after his waking.
The remote drawer, in Mommy and Daddy's room, needs to be moved! He has learned which remote and which button turns on the t.v. And, we can never find the remotes anymore.

Kicking the soccer ball around, just like daddy showed him. This kid has a ball obsession.
Ty is a good little helper! He listens to commands very well. His likes to help Mommy by getting the diapers when it is time to be changed.

And then, he wants to put it on himself too. He also learned how to take off his diaper to prepare...I did not teach him this.
Now he wants to take it off in his crib even if he is
poopy! What a great helper he is.

2 fat lips and 2 bloody noses in one day. He was just having a bad walking day. Poor baby was tripping on his own feet. The blue around his mouth is from the
popsicle I had to give him for the swelling..he didn't mind that part.
All I have to say is, walking is a whole different ball game.
Tysen loves his books and loves to put on any pair of glasses he can find.
Tysen is just a fun, happy, squishy little guy! Everyday he makes me laugh (hysterically) and everyday he makes he cry (hysterically) He is my best pal! Everyone loves Tysen and Ty loves everyone. Love you Ty!