Friday, March 5, 2010

Pictures Are So Valuable

I will probably be posting loads of pictures since I have a new born and a sweet two year old that, i think, are so stinkin cute. I want every moment captured...especially the ones where Tysen leans over his brother to give him the softest hugs and kisses ever while whispering, "it's OK baby Jay." I cry every time! These boys are just too cute together in their "Big Brother" and "Little Brother" shirts (thanks Grandma Carlson and Carie).


The Lingo Family said...

Oh my goodness, these are all so very precious. You really know how to capture that special brotherly LOVE! So very cute.

Alison Hall said...

Those are the cutest pictures ever!! What cute boys! There is such a sweet bond between brothers, capture every moment!

Annie said...

So sweet! What a good brother Tysen is... and Jay is too stinkin' cute! Love all the pics!

Todd + Emily said...

SO ADORABLE!!! I love the pictures!!! and congrats on the new addition. tHat will be fun that your little guy and Whits little guy will be close in AGE!!! Love it!! Seriously I love those pictures they are so adorable!

Whitney Ormsby said...

These pics are so precious!! Ty is so cute he looks like dan so much!!