I still need a little practice sometimes...Sometimes I think I so good and then something like this happens
This is a picture of all the goodies I got in my Easter Basket..I even got a bottle scrub brush!
Later we got ready to go to church..This is me in my snazzy Easter outfit! I know I look good! At Church my mom gave a talk in sacrament...she was really nervous but I thought she did great..I didnt even cry that much becasue I knew that Dad wanted to listen to the talk. Also Grandma Carlson, Carie and Gavin suprised my mom by showing up to hear her give her talk...It made my mom feel better.
After Church we went over to Auntie Shelley's house and had yet ANOTHER Easter egg hunt! The missionaries came over and helped the easter bunny hide the eggs in the feild. I was sleeping during this easter egg hunt...I was pooped from the first two egg hunts.
All in all it was the best first Easter I could ask for!