My mom took me to go see my Grandma Whitman in Utah a couple weeks ago (at the end of May). It was my Grandma's 60th birthday and we went down to suprise her with a big party and ME! I had never met her before because she lives far away...so I was pretty excited! We went to my Aunt and Uncles house and helped them with the party. We decorated...well my mom and other aunts and uncles did while I slept or drank my bottle. But, when my Gradma walked in to her party she was so excited and then when she saw me she was even more excited!! She held me for almost the rest of the time. Oh ya and my Aunty Emily A. was there too and she held me a lot. It was a very fun day! My Grandma thinks I look exactly like my Daddy (which I do) and she thinks I make really funny faces (which I do).
I love having Grandmas! They are FUN!
This is my grandma and Mom

Here my grandma
blowing out the candles

Here she is biting
the cake.

This is my Aunty Betheny and me.

This is pictures of my
grandma and my Aunty
Emily holding me.

here is the cake that
my Aunty Betheny made
pretty cool huh!

Here is my Aunty Shelley,
my Uncle Quinn, My cousin Laura,
and me and my Grandma..I look sad!